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Our dogs are gifts to our lives

They teach us joy and are a great example of unconditional love.  A dog is more than a pet. They are companions, part of our family and an extension of ourselves. To have that kind of bond is such a gift because they can be such a state changer. We can go from feelings of fear, frustration or just daily stress, to one of love and playfulness in minutes. What a special kind of happiness to be able to tap into at will. 


Be a part of the new book : Earth Angels


Tell us your story whether it be current or a fond memory of a dog from the past who has touched your life. Elaborate on the good times you cherish or the challenging times where you helped each other through. What are the funny stories or occasions of joy which left a permanent mark on your life. Your story could be selected for the new book "Earth Angels" and your submission leaves you eligible to win a $100 Amazon gift card. Be sure to leave a picture of your pet to be included with your story.

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